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Retro riding gear from Slyfoxmx.com

I was talking to an www.offroadmotorcycles.ca reader the other day who enthusiastically told me they’ve been enjoying our vintage bike features. He also said, “It looks weird to see guys racing old bikes wearing modern riding gear. It just looks wrong.” Fair enough. It’s not like we didn’t notice that too, but the idea of suiting up in skanky and marginally protective hand-me-down 35-year-old motocross gear doesn’t sit well with us either.

Enter Slyfoxmx.com. They sent us a box of cool Can-AM logo’d stuff in a desperate bid to cure me of my dorkiness. In case you’re wondering, yes I hate modelling stuff, but since I do like any excuse to rip around the grass track on my Dad’s old Can-AM here it goes.

As a kid I remember the fast guys wore funky brown leather motocross gloves with black rubber strips glued to the fingers. Well, Slyfox has ‘em and they fit and feel authentic, except they have a modern velcro wrist closure instead of a crummy elastic band like the originals. I wonder, did they even have velcro in 1975?

Slyfox vintage motocross pants are nylon, not leather, but they are cut high around the waist just like they were back in the ‘glory days’ old motoheads keep telling me about. They had plenty of room for my knee braces, but being non-vented they were pretty warm compared to modern motocross pants. Still, compared to the funky leather pants they used to wear the Slyfox pants are probably a one-million percent improvement in fit, looks and ummmm…personal hygiene.

The Slyfox jersey is heavy cotton and fits pretty much the same as any other long-sleeve shirt. Like the pants, it’ll be warm on hot days. Slyfox vintage gear may not have state of the art materials and technology, but it looks great and is priced right…especially considering you don’t wear vintage motocross gear every day. They’ve got lots of other vintage stuff too, including retro-styled motocross boots, jackets and cool pitwear adorned with the name of every obscure and defunct motorcycle manufacturer your grandfather can think of. We’re stoked, and the next time we hit a vintage motocross race we’ll be stylin’ too!

Click on the Slyfox logo to see all their cool retro motocross gear! Photos by Carrie Homenuck

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